Sundus Mahdi

Sundus Mahdi

Software & web developer

yard seller screenshot
Yard Seller

A website for people to post, view, and message about local yardsales

Made with: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, Express, & Node.js

Source Code
terni lapilli screenshot
Terni Lapilli

An online game of terni lapilli that demonstates opponent move searches and strategies

Made with: HTML & JavaScript

Source Code
space shuttle L25 game screenshot
Space Shuttle L25

A fun, cooperative game you can play with a friend. Try to get your space ship to the destination planet by steering the ship with the keyboard.

Made with: HTML & JavaScript

Source Code
collaborative soduko screenshot
Collaborative Sudoku

A web app that allows you to play sudoku puzzles with complete stangers! Or send the puzzle name to your friends to play the same sudoku together.

Made with: HTML, CSS, PHP, & SQL

Source Code
sms spammer screenshot
SMS Spammer

An android app that lets you input a phone number and a text message and specify how many times to send said text to your unfortunate recipient.

Made with: Android Studio (Java)

Source Code
Online remote keyboard devpot page
Online Remote Keyboard

A site that lets you use your tablet or phone as an external keyboard to your pc.

Made with: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, & Node.js

Source Code